Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I’m not sure if that’s insane, but it sure is fucking stupid.
I want to lose weight, but I’m going to eat how I always do.
I want to get in shape, but I’m going to continue with the same routine I’ve always done.
I want my job/career/business to improve, but I going to put in the same amount of effort into the exact same things.
I want my relationship to improve, but I’m still gonna act like a dick.
None of this makes sense, but yet this is what we do. It’s much easier to stay in our old familiar habits, even when we know they aren’t serving us.
“The only way out is through.”
It’s also why we are so obsessed with pills and potions. They temp us with results we want while allowing us not to change.
“To heal the pain, you must feel the pain.”
We fall into these traps because change is difficult and many of us are taking advice from the wrong people, mainly ourselves. In order to make the change(s) we desire, it will take some outside guidance to see the correct path.
I think the key to this is to find someone who has or is what you desire. I always go back to the saying “never trust a bald barber” they have no respect for your hair and deep down, they don’t want you looking better than them.
Stop taking nutrition advice from your overweight friend who tells you it’s hard, that you’re in a season, that you’re doing better than most people your age. Fuck that friend! No shit its hard, and the season can’t always be winter. Stop always looking like you’re about to hibernate. I don’t want to be like other people and I’d like to put a swim suit on at some point. So I’m going to get the advice of someone who will help me navigate the hard and remind me that its always beach season!
Now that’s easy for me to say, I have a fitness routine, my nutrition is dialed in, my abs have abs, but my business isn’t where I want it to be. I have 12+ years of experience in the CrossFit space, but at times it feels like I have 1 year of experience, repeated for 12 years. This has gotten me to a certain level, but nowhere near where I want to be.
So I got some advice, “Everyday, do one thing to grow your business before you do anything else.” Great advice, but it does me nothing without knowing what the one thing to do every day is. It’s like someone telling you to “eat better” It sounds good, but what does that mean and how do I do it?
I now need to identify what that one thing or things I need to do every day are, and then create a plan to make sure it happens. Next week I’ll walk you through the process. Until then, go find the right person to give you the advice. Make sure it’s someone who will tell you what you NEED to hear, and not WHAT you want to hear.
3801 Nicholasville Centre Dr, Lexington, KY 40503, United States of America