1 part alcohol, 3 parts water. The disinfecting spray bottles we use at the gym were low the other day and I filled them. While doing so, I noticed the date on the old milk jug I use to mix the solution, 08-25-20, and then one-by-one I fill the tiny spray bottles.
For the past 4 years, I’ve mixed this same solution, filled the same bottles, and then repeated about every 2 weeks. I’ve mopped the floors hundreds of times, vacuumed just as many. I’ve made sure the frig is stocked with drinks, kept the bathrooms cleans, restocked toilet paper and taken the towels home to wash. I’ve cleaned the windows, wiped off the mirrors, restocked the cleaning supplies, repaired holes in the wall, wiped down dirty equipment, and dusted the rowers and bikes. I’ve repaired countless broken items, ordered new ones, refilled chalked buckets, and ordered shirts and protein. I’ve removed old ceiling insultation, installed, moved, and reinstalled Big Ass Fans, I’ve laid 6000 sq. ft. of rubber flooring, I’ve replaced a garage door spring, I’ve installed a gas force heater, torn down walls, built a locker room, torn down a locker room, painted walls, refinished floors, and unclogged toilets. I’ve taken out countless bags of garbage, cleaned parking lots, hung TVs, and mounted pictures. I’ve erected rigs, installed pull up bars, hung ropes and rings, and then moved them all hundreds of times. I’ve left my house at 5am and returned at 7pm. I’ve had countless sleepless nights, anxiety over bills, and worried about everything.
I’ve also gotten to meet new people and make new friends. Friends of every size, shape, color, believe, and background. I’ve gotten support and encouragement through tough workouts. I’ve gotten to laugh till it hurts, gotten my heart filled, and been made to feel special. I’ve gotten support of my wife and family and been helped with every task written above. I’ve been surrounded by unbelievable coaches and witnessed unbelievable athletes. I’ve been told I’m doing a great job, to keep going, and that everything will be OK. I’ve seen people lose weight, gain muscle, become more confident, and do things they never thought they could. I’ve celebrated victories, learned lessons, and become stronger physically and mentally. I’ve seen people give for no reason, love big, and show up when they didn’t want to.
This gym continues to give more than its asks for and I feel like the luckiest person alive!